1/unit 1/links

Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ______________ transmission

  • Automatic

  • Half-duplex

  • Full-duplex

  • Simplex


Each frame in HDLC may contain up to

  • three fields
  • four fields
  • five fields
  • six fields

11/unit 1/OSI model

Error Control and Flow Control are responsibilities of

  • data link and network Layers
  • data link and Physical Layer
  • Application and Presentation Layer
  • data link and Transport Layer

12/unit 2/Error Control

Error control is combination of

  • error detection and error correction
  • flow and error control
  • bit stuffing and unstuffing
  • byte stuffing and unstuffing

13/unit 2/802.3

Ethernet frame consists of:

  • MAC address
  • IP address
  • both (a) and (b)
  • none of the mentioned

14/unit 2/checksum

Find parity bit for 1001011

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • None

15/unit 3/HDLC

Frame type that refers to High-level Data Link Control error detection field is

  • Frame Check Sequence field
  • Control field
  • flag field
  • information field

16/unit 2/error control

Hamming code capable to correct __errors, detect __errors

  • 1,2
  • 1,4
  • 1,6
  • 1,8

17/unit 2/frame format

Header of a frame generally contains:

  • synchronization bytes
  • addresses
  • frame identifier
  • all of the mentioned

18/unit 2/checksum

If value of checksum is 0, then message is

  • accepted
  • rejected
  • sent back
  • resend

19/unit 1/communication model

Which of the following transmission directions listed is not a legitimate channel?


2/unit 2/ethernet

Ethernet system uses which of the following technology.

  • Bus

  • Ring

  • Star

  • Tree

20/unit 3/HDLC

In Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM), link is

  • unidirectional
  • bidirectional
  • point to point
  • multipoint

21/unit 3/HDLC

The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing acknowledgements so that they can be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame is called ____________

  • fletcher’s checksum
  • cyclic redundancy check
  •  piggybacking
  • parity check

22/unit 2/wifi

In IEEE 802.11 frames, when values of, To DS and from DS are 00, its means frame is not going to a

  • Adhoc System
  • Infrastructure system
  • Distribution System
  • cellular System

23/unit 3/ppp

In Point to Point Protocol, frame starts and ends with

  • control field
  • payload field
  • protocol field
  • flag field


When 2 or more bits in a data unit has been changed during the transmission, the error is called ____________

  • burst error
  • random error
  • inverted error
  • double error

25/unit 1/OSI

OSI stands for __________

  • operating system interface
  • open system interconnection
  • optical service implementation
  • open service Internet

26/unit 2/internet checksum

Internet has been using a checksum of

  • 2 bit
  • 4 bit
  • 8 bit
  • 16 bit

27/unit 1/adresses

MAC address is of:

  • 24 bits
  • 36 bits
  • 42 bits
  • 48 bits

28/unit 3/ pigybacking

Piggybacking is used to improve bidirectional protocol's

  • performance
  • timing
  • efficiency
  • error control

29/unit /addresses

Port address is also known as

  • Service point address
  • Receiver point address
  • Sender point address
  • Both B & C

3/unit 1/basics

In computer network nodes are:

  • the computer that originates the data

  • the computer that routes the data

  • the computer that terminates the data

  • all of the mentioned

30/unit 3/Go-Back-N

Range of possible sequence numbers of Go-Back-N Protocol which is concern of receiver is called the

  • sender sliding window
  • pipelining at the sender
  • pipelining at the receiver
  • receiver sliding window

31/unit 1/layers

Session layer is responsible for

  • Error Control and Flow Control
  • Framing and Access Control
  • dialog control and synchronization
  • Segmentation and reassembly

32/unit 1/ TCP/IP

TCP/IP reference model contains how many layers

  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7

33/unit 3/Flow control protocols

Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Request is a special case of

  • Simplest Protocol
  • Go Back-N Automatic Repeat Request
  • Selective Repeat Automatic Repeat Request
  • Stop and Wait

34/unit 1/tcpip

TCP/IP suite was created by

  • IEEE
  • Department of defence
  • Open source
  • None of above

35/unit 2/flow control

Term that refers to a set of procedures used to restrict amount of data that sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment is

  • error control
  • flow control
  • delay
  • byte stuffing

36/unit 2/dll

The data link layer takes the packets from _____ and encapsulates them into frames for transmission.

  • network layer
  • physical layer
  • transport layer
  • application layer

37/unit 1/basics

The first Network:


38/unit 2/ethernet

The maximum size of payload field in ethernet frame is:

  • 1000 bytes
  • 1200 bytes
  • 1300 bytes
  • 1500 bytes

39/unit 2/ethernet

What is stat frame delimeter (SFD) in ethernet frame?

  • 10101010
  • 10101011
  • 00000000
  • 11111111

4/unit 2/ethernet

Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in:

  • broadcast network

  • unicast network

  • multicast network

  • none of the mentioned

40/unit 2/piggybacking

The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing outgoing acknowledgements so that they can be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame is called:

  • piggybacking
  • cyclic redundancy check
  • none of the mentioned

41/unit 2/error control

When 2 or more bits in a data unit has been changed during the transmission, the error is called:

  • random error
  • burst error
  • inverted error
  • none of the mentioned

42/unit 2/dll

Which one of the following is a data link protocol?

  • ethernet
  • point to point protocol
  • HDLC
  • all of the mentioned

43/unit 1/LAYERS

The functionalities of the presentation layer include ____________

  • Data compression
  • Data encryption
  • Data description
  • All of the mentioned

44/unit 2/dll

Which one of the following task is not done by data link layer?

  • framing
  • error control
  • flow control
  • channel coding

45/unit 3/mac

Which sublayer of the data link layer performs data link functions that depend upon the type of medium?

  • logical link control sublayer
  • media access control sublayer
  • network interface control sublayer
  • none of the mentioned


A communication path way that transfers data from one point to another is called

  • Link
  • Node
  • Medium
  • Topology

47/unit 1/topology

In bus topology, device linking all nodes in a network is

  • Router
  • DropLine
  • Backbone
  • hub

48/unit 1/ISP

ISP stands for

  • Internet Service Provider
  • Internet System Provider
  • International Service Provider
  • International System Program

49/unit 1/topology

Multipoint topology is

  • Bus
  • Star
  • Mesh
  • Ring

5/unit 1/basics

A _____ is a device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in the packet.

  • bridge
  • firewall
  • router
  • all of the mentioned

50/unit 1/ categories of CN

Network providing a high speed connectivity is

  • MAN
  • LAN
  • WAN
  • Internetwork

51/unit 1/standards

Synonymous of rule is

  • Standard
  • Protocol
  • Forum
  • Agency


Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in ________

  • broadcast network
  • unicast network
  • multicast network
  • anycast network


Control frame that is sent by destination station is called

  • clear to send
  • Request to sent
  • Distributed Interframe Space
  • Short Interframe Space


CRC stands for:

  • cyclic redundancy check
  • code repeat check
  • code redundancy check
  • cyclic repeat check

Quiz with Answers

  1. Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves ______________ transmission.
    Answer: Simplex
  2. Each frame in HDLC may contain up to
    Answer: Six fields
  3. Error Control and Flow Control are responsibilities of
    Answer: Data link and Transport Layer
  4. Error control is a combination of
    Answer: Error detection and error correction
  5. Ethernet frame consists of:
    Answer: MAC address
  6. Find parity bit for 1001011
    Answer: 0
  7. Frame type that refers to High-level Data Link Control error detection field is
    Answer: Frame Check Sequence field
  8. Hamming code capable to correct __errors, detect __errors
    Answer: 1, 2
  9. Header of a frame generally contains:
    Answer: All of the mentioned (synchronization bytes, addresses, frame identifier)
  10. If the value of checksum is 0, then the message is
    Answer: Accepted
  11. Which of the following transmission directions listed is not a legitimate channel?
    Answer: Double Duplex
  12. Ethernet system uses which of the following technology?
    Answer: Bus
  13. In Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM), link is
    Answer: Bidirectional
  14. The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing acknowledgments so that they can be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame is called
    Answer: Piggybacking
  15. In IEEE 802.11 frames, when the values of To DS and From DS are 00, it means the frame is not going to a
    Answer: Distribution System
  16. In Point to Point Protocol, the frame starts and ends with
    Answer: Flag field
  17. When 2 or more bits in a data unit have been changed during the transmission, the error is called
    Answer: Burst error
  18. OSI stands for
    Answer: Open System Interconnection
  19. Internet has been using a checksum of
    Answer: 16 bits
  20. MAC address is of:
    Answer: 48 bits
  21. Piggybacking is used to improve bidirectional protocol's
    Answer: Efficiency
  22. Port address is also known as
    Answer: Service point address
  23. In a computer network, nodes are:
    Answer: All of the mentioned (the computer that originates the data, routes the data, and terminates the data)
  24. Range of possible sequence numbers of Go-Back-N Protocol which is a concern of the receiver is called the
    Answer: Receiver sliding window
  25. Session layer is responsible for
    Answer: Dialog control and synchronization
  26. TCP/IP reference model contains how many layers
    Answer: 4
  27. Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Request is a special case of
    Answer: Stop and Wait
  28. TCP/IP suite was created by
    Answer: Department of Defense
  29. Term that refers to a set of procedures used to restrict the amount of data that the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment is
    Answer: Flow control
  30. The data link layer takes the packets from _____ and encapsulates them into frames for transmission.
    Answer: Network layer
  31. The first Network:
    Answer: ARPANET
  32. The maximum size of the payload field in an Ethernet frame is:
    Answer: 1500 bytes
  33. What is the Start Frame Delimiter (SFD) in an Ethernet frame?
    Answer: 10101011
  34. Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in:
    Answer: Broadcast network
  35. The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing acknowledgments so that they can be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame is called:
    Answer: Piggybacking
  36. When 2 or more bits in a data unit have been changed during the transmission, the error is called:
    Answer: Burst error
  37. Which one of the following is a data link protocol?
    Answer: All of the mentioned (Ethernet, Point to Point Protocol, HDLC)
  38. The functionalities of the presentation layer include
    Answer: All of the mentioned (Data compression, Data encryption, Data description)
  39. Which one of the following tasks is not done by the data link layer?
    Answer: Channel coding
  40. Which sublayer of the data link layer performs data link functions that depend upon the type of medium?
    Answer: Media access control sublayer
  41. A communication pathway that transfers data from one point to another is called
    Answer: Link
  42. In bus topology, the device linking all nodes in a network is
    Answer: Backbone
  43. ISP stands for
    Answer: Internet Service Provider
  44. Multipoint topology is
    Answer: Bus
  45. A _____ is a device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in the packet.
    Answer: Router
  46. Network providing a high-speed connectivity is
    Answer: MAN
  47. Synonymous of rule is
    Answer: Standard
  48. Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in
    Answer: Broadcast network
  49. Control frame that is sent by destination station is called
    Answer: Clear to send
  50. CRC stands for
    Answer: Cyclic Redundancy Check

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